The Research Centre for Material Culture is the research institute of the Wereldmuseum, Netherlands. We foster interdisciplinary, intersectional and speculative research, whether done by the museum’s own research staff or by national and international researchers. Bringing together scholars, makers, curators and activists from across the world, our research is centred around the museum and its practices, around our collections and their histories, and is always positioned in relation to pressing questions in the world. We are guided by the museum’s mission to foster world citizenship, and thus our ongoing work is geared towards exploring the multiple ways in which we live and move in the world as humans, the individual and community tactics that give shape to the world around us, and the structures that would serve to facilitate or constrain such modes of living.
As the research institute of the Wereldmuseum, the RCMC positions itself at the intersection between the museum and the outside world. To sustain a criticality to the organisation, the centre consciously chooses a position that is a bit external to the organisation, to support and be a part of critical networks outside the institution, whilst choosing to work with collaborators who are aligned with our objective of creating better worlds.
While the work of the RCMC is specialised around (applicable) theory-making, it is designed to be complementary to that of the curatorial, exhibition-making, programming and education sectors of the museum(s). The RCMC actively seeks to explore vantage points from outside the museum, which we then bring into conversation with its internal operations. Due to its speculative nature, our work is deliberately and exploratory, rather than fixed or prescriptive. We identify discourses, interventions and methodologies that we believe can be productive to imagine and create the museum anew.