The (colonial) archive has, in recent years, received significant critical attention from a number of different quarters. Scholars, curators and artists have taken the archive to task: as a critical site for posing questions about practices of colonial governance, or for thinking about the workings of colonialism and its afterlife, including the elision of the violence of its own operation and the silencing of the lives of colonized subjects.
This seminar follows in this tradition, seeking to think against and along the archival grain, to uncover previously untold histories. Focusing on the work of several artists from Africa and the African diaspora, speakers will explore the necessary work that artistic and curatorial practice need to do to uncover, or even fashion, ‘other’ archives for those not-remembered histories. In the absence of conventional archives, they will ask what forms of imaginative labor must be mobilized to recuperate unexplored histories. Further, more than the colonial archive, what might we imagine to constitute archives of the post-colonial?