This talk introduces the volume Fashion in Multiple Chinas: Chinese Styles in the Transglobal Landscape (London: IB Tauris). Much has been written about the transformation of China from being a clothing-manufacturing site to a fast-rate fashion consuming society. Less, however, has been on the process of making Chinese fashion. Fashion in Multiple Chinas explores how the many Chinese fashions operate across the widespread, fragmented and diffused, Chinese diaspora. It confronts the idea of Chinese nationalism as ‘one nation’, as well as of China as a single reality, in revealing the realities of Chinese fashion as diverse and comprising multiple practices. Demonstrated within is how the making of Chinese fashion is composed of numerous layers, often involving a web of global entanglements between manufacturing and circulation, retailing and branding.
Dr Wessie Ling, co-editor of Fashion in Multiple Chinas, will present the framework of studying Chinese fashion in the transglobal landscape and discuss its relation to the study of Global Fashion and the extent to which such a framework can be adopt to curatoring/narrating artefacts from the distant world.