Sluis op de plantage Palmeniribo te Suriname, 1708, Dirk Valkenburg (1675 - 1721). Collectie Rijksmuseum.
21 June 2019

Art, Material Culture and the Dutch Empire: Dirk Valkenburg and his Worlds

INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP | 21 June 2019 | 9:30 - 17:45 | Gerbrandszaal | Limited seats available 

This program focuses on the visual and material culture of Dutch colonialism in the early modern period, especially in relation to the Atlantic world. It takes as starting point the works of Dutch artists such as Frans Post (1612-1680), Albert Eckhout (1607-c.1666) and Dirk Valkenburg (1675-1721), whose oeuvres represent some of the earliest moments of Dutch colonial encounter in the Atlantic world and offer a range of visual tropes about life under Dutch colonialism. 

The academic workshop explores the imperial context that created the conditions within which the artists worked, which has remained understudied. An interdisciplinary group of art historians, anthropologists and economic historians will read their works thinking through the expansive, exploitative and racializing aspects of the colonial project. We ask questions such as: what yield might be gained by a rereading of the still lifes of Valkenburg and Eckhout within a framework of bioprospecting, or questions surrounding race, or a history of knowledge and power? What might Eckhout’s portraits tell us about the quotidian lives of colonised and enslaved peoples?

As a prelude to the workshop, we organize the public event Rethinking the (Art) Histories of Slavery and Colonialism – Dirk Valkenburg and His Worlds. Rebecca Parker Brienen will deliver the keynote address.

The program is a collaboration between the Research Center for Material Culture (RCMC), Society of Arts of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), and the
Members Association of the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV). This program was initiated by artist Willem de Rooij, member of the Society of Arts of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, who currently works towards the first publication on the life and work of Dirk Valkenburg.


Image: Sluis op de plantage Palmeniribo te Suriname, 1708, Dirk Valkenburg (1675 - 1721). Collectie Rijksmuseum.

Speakers and Participants Include

Rebecca Parker Brienen (keynote)

Julie Berger Hochstrasser

Claudia Swan

Benjamin Schmidt

Lea van der Vinde

Mariana Francozo

Carrie Anderson

Anke van Wagenberg

Wlamyra Albuquerque

Justin Brown

Willem de Rooij

Karwan Fatah-Black

Dirk Valkenburg, Ritual Slave Party on a Sugar Plantation in Surinam, 1706-1708, oil on canvas, National Museum of Denmark.
Frans Post, Brazilian Landscape with a House under Construction, c. 1655-1660, oil on panel, Mauritshuis, The Hague.
School collection of product samples from the Colonial Institute, 1900-1936. Collection Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen.
Wood sample keroewing, former collection: KIT Tropical Products.
Sugar Plantation Waterlant in Suriname, 1698 - 1718, Dirk Valkenburg (1675 - 1721). Collectie Amsterdam Museum.