Chris Lebeau, Batik, 1903

Design/ing and the Ethnographic Museum

With this research theme and dossier, the RCMC continues the thread of design histories and futures in relation to the ethnographic museum and its collections.


Coming soon: a collection of longreads and object histories, led by independent researchers Rana Ghavami and Rosa te Velde

While acknowledging and addressing the long and sustained critique of ethnographic museums and the coloniality of their history and collection practices, at the Wereldmuseum, we do not reduce the collections only to the story of colonialism. Rather, we want to acknowledge that these institutions have long been committed to archiving the knowledges, skills and techniques, the ingenuity of a global majority of peoples across the world, in shaping the world around them. One of our lines of inquiry, focuses on design and histories of making. We aim to rethink design histories through the lens of the ethnographic museum and by doing that challenge categories of art or design versus craft, or dress versus fashion, to think more critically about the ways in which such categories continue to divide the world.

Some of the questions that guide this inquiry include: what does design history look like when one starts from the ethnographic? What does the world culture museum offer to the categories of Global Design and Global Art? Is it possible to see world cultures collections as a critique of art histories’ and design's objects of study? How might world cultures collections help us think design, art and craft differently? And is there a yield to be gained in positioning the museum around and in conversation with these histories? Ultimately, we are interested in introducing systemic changes that will help the ethnographic museum shift its praxis towards real engagement with global design. In doing so, we hope to contribute to a rethinking of how design histories are written and pedagogies for design education are developed.

Previous events and research

Design and/as translation
Design as/and Translation
Interwoven Design
Design Beyond the West