2024. ‘The Prism of Respect: Exhibiting a Raja Ampat Altar’. In Western New Guinea: Social, Biological, and Material Histories, edited by Dylan Gaffney & Marlin Tolla, pp. 384-395. Terra Australis. Canberra: ANU Press.
2024. ‘Purity, Beauty and Magnificence: Color and Sheen in Tongan barkcloth’. In Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of World Textiles (Volume 4: Color), Riikka Räisänen, Bharti Parmar, Nicola Stylianou, and Christine Checinska. London: Bloomsbury.
2024. ‘Nederland en Oceanië: een weifelende relatie - The Netherlands and Oceania: an erratic relationship. In The Lost Museum: Royal Cabinet of Rarities in the Mauritshuis / The verloren museum: Koninklijk Kabinet van Zeldzaamheden in het Mauritshuis, edited by Justine Rinnooy Kan and Sheila Reda, ‘pp. 136-139. Den Haag - Zwolle: Mauritshuis - Waanders Uitgevers.
2023. What a Genderful World - Thinking Through and Making of an Exhibition. Special Issue: Rethinking Gender in the Ethnographic Museum. Journal of Material Culture 28(4): 604-624
2023. Presenting Oceania in the Netherlands. In Zwischen „Südsee“ und „Sea of Islands“, Beispiele der Selbst- und Fremdrepräsentation Ozeaniens/Between the „South Seas“ and a „Sea of Islands“, Examples of Oceania’s Represenmtation – the Self and the Other. NOVARA. Beiträge zur Pazifik-Forschung/Contributions to Pacific Research, Österreichisch-Südpazifische Gesellschaft Band 10, Hannah Dittmer, Irina Eder, Elisabeth Worliczek, Igor Eberhard (eds), pp. 52-70. Wien: LIT Verlag.
2023. Peggy Guggenheim and the Pacific. Special issue: Swimming Against the Tide, edited by Natalie King and Francesca Tarocco. Lagoonscape: Venice Journal of Environmental Humanities 3(2): 305-320. https://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/en/edizioni4/riviste/the-venice-journal-of-environmental-humanities/
2023. “Tattoo the Women, but Not the Men”: Female Tattooing in Tonga. Pacific Arts 23(2): 25-37
2022. ‘Going Native’: Dutch constructions of the Pacific. In Paradise Camp by Yuki Kihara, edited by Natalie King, pp. 135-139. Melbourne, Australia: Thames & Hudson.
2021. The Rapa Nui collection at the National Museum of World Cultures. Archiv Weltmuseum Wien 70: 4-35.
2021. A Sea of Islands: Masterpieces from Oceania. Journal of Museum Ethnography 34: 69-89, with Erna Lilje.
2020. ‘White for Purity, Brown for Beautiful Like Us and Black Because it is Awesome.’ In Material Approaches to Pacific Barkcloth: Cloth, Collections, Communities, edited by Frances Lennard & Andy Mills, pp. 167-176. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
2020. ‘Peggy Guggenheim and the Pacific’. In Migrating Objects: Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas in the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, edited by Vivien Greene, pp. 45-55. Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, Peggy Guggenheim collection.
2018. Collecting in the South Sea: the Voyage of Joseph Antoine Bruni d’Entrecasteaux, 1791-1794. Leiden: Sidestone Press. Co-edited with Bronwen Douglas & Billie Lythberg.
2018. ‘Willful amnesia? Contemporary Dutch narratives about western New Guinea’. In Pacific Presences: Oceanic art and European museums, Vol. 2, edited by Lucie Carreau, Alison Clark, Alana Jelinek, Erna Lilje & Nicholas Thomas, pp. 229-234. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
2018. ‘Papua collections in the Netherlands: a story of exploration, research, missionization, and colonization’. In Pacific Presences: Oceanic art and European museums, Vol 1., edited by Lucie Carreau, Alison Clark, Alana Jelinek, Erna Lilje & Nicholas Thomas, pp. 127-168. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
2017. Unwrapping Tongan Barkcloth Encounters, Creativity and Female Agency, Textiles. London; New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
2017. Missionary Attitudes towards Tongan Material Culture. Paideuma 63: 159–181.
2017. De collectie van Alexander van der Leeden uit Numbulwar in Arnhem Land, Australia. Vereniging Vrienden Etnografica Jaarboek 5: 94-116.
2015. ‘A feast for the senses: barkcloth during Royal ceremonies in Tonga’. In Made in Oceania. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Social and Cultural Meanings and Presentation of Oceanic Tapa, edited by Peter Mesenhöller & Annemarie Stauffer, 42-57. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
2013. Préserver pour la postérité: des anciens de l’ethnie bundjalung au musée national d’ethnologie des Pays-Bas. Journal de la Société des Océanistes 135: 63-76.
2013. ‘Duty and multi-sensorial qualities of barkcloth during royal ceremonies in Tonga’. In Tapa – Kunst und Lebenswelten / Art and Social Landscapes. Made in Oceania, Ethnologica, NS 29, edited by Peter Mesenhöller & Oliver Lueb, 38-51. Köln: Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum Kulturen der Welt.
2009. Materialising the King: The Royal Funeral of King Taufa’ahau Tupou IV of Tonga. The Australian Journal of Anthropology 20: 131-149.
2008. ‘Awakening Sleeping Objects’. In Pasifika Styles: artists inside the museum, edited by Amiria Salmond and Rosanna Raymond, pp. 119-123. Cambridge: Cambridge Museum with the assistance of University of Otago Press.