Wendeline Flores MA (1989) is a historian in the field of (post)colonial Dutch Caribbean History. She holds a BA and an MA in History from the Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam. She wrote her MA-thesis on the long-distance nationalism in journals by Antillean and Surinamese student migrants in the Netherlands (1950-1975). She has worked as a research intern at both the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam (2011) and the National Institute for the Dutch history of slavery, and it’s legacy, NiNsee (2012). In 2014 she received a grant from the Silvia W. de Groot Fonds for her research in Aruba, Curacao, and Surinam. She worked as a Supervisor and Assistant Manager for Amsterdam Expo and BODY WORLDS (2014-2017). This past year she has worked on a variety of projects with The Black Archives/New Urban Collective, the Rijksmuseum and the Stedelijk Museum, the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Royal Dutch Historical Society (KNHG). As of September 2018, she is the curator Caribbean Region and Colonial History of the National Museum of World Cultures.